福特发布了全新小型SUV Ecosport,从尺寸到风格都十分适合大都市使用。其实这次福特发布的Ecosport已经是该款车型的第二代产品。第一代车型最早于2000年就已经在墨西哥、巴西等南美国家生产并销售,而福特也为这款车型在其它海外市场销售做好了充分的准备,你也可以理解为这些南美国家为Ecosport做了小白鼠。Ecosport基于嘉年华的底盘,只不过最小离地间隙大幅度上调,从造型设计上来看,与前不久福特发布的Escape很有几分相像。挡风玻璃的倾斜角度很大,这样做的目的无非是为了增加动感,而车尾的后挂式备胎则是为了增加Ecosport的越野风味
Ford announced the new small SUV Ecosport, from size to style are very suitable for use in the metropolis. In fact, the Ford Ecosport release is the second generation of the model. The first generation models were first produced and sold in South America, Mexico, Brazil and other countries in 2000, and Ford is well prepared for sales of this model in other overseas markets. You can also understand that these South American countries are Ecosport Made a mouse. Ecosport carnival-based chassis, but the minimum ground clearance increased substantially, from the styling point of view, and recently released Ford Escape somewhat similar. Windshield angle of inclination is very large, the purpose of doing so is nothing more than to increase the dynamic, while the rear of the rear suspension spare tire is to increase the Ecosport off-road flavor