Recruitment of stem cells by hepatocyte growth factor via intracoronary gene transfection in the pos

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong529
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We aim to study the amelioration effect of adenovirus5-mediated human hepatocyte growth factor gene transfer on postinfarction heart failure in swine model. Twelve Suzhong young swine were randomly divided into 2 groups of 6 pigs each: Ad5-HGF group and mock-vector Ad5 group. Four weeks after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, Ad5-HGF was intracoronarily transferred into the myocardium. Simultaneously, gate cardiac perfusion imaging was performed to evaluate the heart function. Three weeks later, gate cardiac perfusion imaging was performed again, then the hearts were removed and sectioned for immunohistochemical examination to illustrate the effects of Ad5-HGF on infarcted myocardium. The expression of HGF was examined by ELISA. The results were: (1) compared with the mock-vector Ad5 group, high expression of human HGF was observed in the myocardium of Ad5-HGF group; (2) in the Ad5-HGF group, the number of CD117+ cells co-expressing c-Met per mm2 was significantly larger; (3) the improvement in LVEF was greater in the Ad5-HGF group than in the mock-vector Ad5 group. We concluded that: (1) high expression of human HGF was observed in the myocardium through intracoronary gene transfection; (2) HGF can improve the mobilization of CD117+/c-Met+ stem cells into ischemic myocardium. The amelioration effect of HGF on postinfarction heart failure could not be limited to stimulating angiogenesis, anti-apoptosis, anti-fibrosis, but was also involved in the recruitment of stem cells into myocardium. We aim to study the amelioration effect of adenovirus5-mediated human hepatocyte growth factor gene transfer on postinfarction heart failure in swine model. Twelve Suzhong young swine were randomly divided into 2 groups of 6 pigs each: Ad5-HGF group and mock-vector Ad5 group Four weeks after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery, Ad5-HGF was intracoronarily transferred into the myocardium. Simultaneously, gate cardiac perfusion imaging was performed to evaluate the heart function. Three weeks later, gate cardiac perfusion imaging was performed again, then the hearts were removed and sectioned for immunohistochemical examination to illustrate the effects of Ad5-HGF on infarcted myocardium. The expression of HGF was examined by ELISA. The results were: (1) compared with the mock-vector Ad5 group, high expression of human HGF was observed in the myocardium of Ad5-HGF group; (2) in the Ad5-HGF group, the number of CD117 + cells co-expressing c-Met per mm2 was significant (3) the improvement in LVEF was greater in the Ad5-HGF group than in the mock-vector Ad5 group. We said that: (1) high expression of human HGF was observed in the myocardium through intracoronary gene transfection; ( 2) HGF can improve the mobilization of CD117 + / c-Met + stem cells into ischemic myocardium. The amelioration effect of HGF on postinfarction heart failure could not be limited to stimulating angiogenesis, anti-apoptosis, anti-fibrosis, but was also involved in the recruitment of stem cells into myocardium
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