随着中草药市场的开放,药品价格的上涨,不少中药材的掺杂使假现象亦越来越严重。我们在临床药品验收和调配工作中发现新的掺假现象。其欺骗性强,程度严重,稍有不慎就上当受骗。为保证病人的用药安全、有效,现将两药掺杂使假情况作一介绍,供鉴别参考。 穿山甲为鲮鲤科动物穿山甲的鳞甲。其炮制品全体呈卷曲状,金黄色,质酥脆,手掰易碎。而不法药贩,为了将其增加重量,将炮制后的穿山甲用饱和盐水或白矾水进行浸泡后晾干装袋。其特点
With the opening of the Chinese herbal medicine market and the rise in the price of medicines, the doping of many Chinese herbal medicines has made the false phenomenon more and more serious. We found new adulteration in clinical drug acceptance and deployment. He is deceptive and serious. He is deceived when he is not careful. In order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the patient’s medication, the two drugs are now doped to make a false introduction for identification. Pangolins are pangolins of pangolins. The whole artillery products are curled, golden yellow, crisp, and fragile. In order to increase its weight, the unscrupulous drug dealers soaked the processed pangolins with saturated salt water or white water, and dried and bagged. Its characteristics