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石,地壳上各种矿物的集合,承载着亘古以来绚丽的大千世界。它们聚而成山,散而为沙,或以平实庄严示众,或以纤巧华丽魅人,举凡金银、珠宝、玉翠,哪一样不是石呢?庭园、案头,以及我们的颈项、手指之上,哪一样不是它们放射的光华?本刊特辟之“典石”栏目,是对以往“赏石论道”栏目的升华,不但囊括由大自然之手率意塑造的天然之石,亦涵盖出自人工雕琢的创意之作,旨在与同好一同探究石之典藏之理,共求石之大道所存。 Stone, the collection of various minerals on the earth’s crust, carrying a gorgeous ancient world Ever since. They are gathered together into mountains, scattered with sand, or plain and solemn, or delicately glamorous, with all gold and silver, and jewels and jades, which are not stone? The garden, the desk, and our neck and fingers , Which is not their emission of Guanghua? The publication of special “Dian Shi ” column, is the past, “Stone Road” column sublimation, not only by natural hand to shape the natural Stone, also covered by creative ideas made by artificial, with the same purpose to explore the stone’s possession of the reason, the road to the common stone.