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我们合沟公社农科站去年夏制南优2号杂交种47.9亩,平均单产262.8斤,其中10.2亩,平均单产380.2斤。我们的做法是: 足肥稀繁,培育壮秧秧田选排灌方便、土质肥沃的两合土。父本秧田每亩掩紫云英3,500斤作底肥,2,000斤细肥作面肥。母本用紫云英留种田作秧田,亩施优质土杂肥4方作底肥,3,000斤细肥作面肥。然后精整秧板,达到平、光、烂、肥,每亩播种30斤。出苗后间苗。父本秧龄长,掌握“前促、中控、后稳”的原则,培育老壮秧。追肥共3次:一叶一心时亩施断奶肥尿素15斤,二叶一心补施10斤作接力肥,拔秧前5天,亩施碳酸氢铵20斤作送嫁肥。母本一 We Hegou commune Agricultural Station last year, South Nanyou 2 hybrids 47.9 acres, the average yield of 262.8 pounds, of which 10.2 acres, the average yield of 380.2 pounds. Our approach is: foot fat rare, nursery seedling cultivation and selection of irrigation and drainage convenient, fertile soil two loam. The male parent seedling covers 3,500 pounds of basil yunnong as base fertilizer, 2,000 pounds of fine fat for surface fertilizer. The female parent is used for planting seedlings of milk vetch, Mushi Shi Tuza 4 for the end of fertilizer, 3,000 pounds of fine fertilizer for the fat. And then finishing seedlings, to flat, light, rotten, fat, sowing 30 acres per mu. After emergence of seedlings. The father of seedling age, grasp the “pre-promotion, control, stabilize” principle, cultivate the old strong seedling. Topdress a total of 3 times: a Shihe Shi Shi Shu when weeding urea fertilizer 15 pounds, two leaves one heart make supplements 10 kg for the relay fertilizer, pull rice 5 days before the transfer, 20 kg of ammonium bicarbonate for delivery of fertilizer. One of the mother
1 引言rn现代的气体激光辐射具有均一的偏振,即激光束横截面上的椭圆参量是个常数.正如惯例,决定平面偏振方向的元件置于激光腔内.这可以是布鲁斯特窗(在低功率激光器中)或一
夏日炎炎,凉风送爽。伴随着新中国前进的步伐,在《今传媒》杂志二十年社庆的喜庆氛围中,我们在生机盎然、万物葳蕤的七月迎来了《今传媒》杂志出版发行180期的志庆。 Summer