During this period, the life span of converters in Shanghai’s converter steel mills dropped a lot, mainly due to the fact that dolomite linings were replaced by dolomite linings, dolomite roasting and brick making processes were not well mastered. In the meantime, many factories, in their pursuit of increasing furnace output, oversupply molten iron after the completion of new furnaces (as much as the end-of-furnace installation), in violation of the rules on loading angles in the operating instructions, damage. Some plants in order to improve the temperature and desulphurization of molten steel, blowing the blowing time is very long, the implementation of the normal operation is not permitted “after blowing”, but also greatly exacerbated the erosion of the lining. On the steel six plants established dolomite section of the strict inspection system, the finished brick size and weight checks to ensure its correct shape and density, so that the lining of the brick as dense as possible. They limit the loading of the converter, especially for pre-incineration