由于火棘为常绿灌木、适应性强、冬季挂果、果色红艳 ,被县政府选为丽江县绿化树种之一。为快速苗 ,进行了扦插繁殖试验 ,并取得成功。其技术要点如下 :1 苗床准备苗床宽 1m ,高 2 0cm ,长度不定。也可根据实际情况决定床的长宽。育苗前先将地深翻 2 0cm ,结合深翻施入底
Due to the evergreen shrub fire Pyracantha, adaptability, winter fruiting, fruit color red, was selected as one of the county government Lijiang County green tree species. For the rapid seedlings, cutting propagation experiments were carried out and achieved success. The technical points are as follows: 1 seedbed preparation Seedbed width 1m, height 20cm, variable length. Can also be based on the actual situation of the bed length and width. Seedling before the first deep turn 2 0cm, combined with the deep flip into the end