In the first half of 2017, the television series “SanShiss Shihuli Peach Blossom”, which achieved remarkable achievements in network station ratings, started to be exported overseas and got a near full score (out of five points) on major video platforms. Subsequently, the initial Chinese version of the international network on the line, a large number of original web is translated into multiple languages, by the end of 2017, the starting point of the international translation is expected to over 300 works, the cumulative chapter over 70,000 chapters to overseas readers to show the Chinese literature Multiple charm. With the continuous improvement of cultural soft power, intercultural communication activities are increasingly frequent. The faster the original network literary works and classic IP’s in China go overseas, the faster they are. At the same time, the problem of cultural output in our country has become the focus of everybody’s attention. From the perspective of intercultural communication, this paper illustrates the important role that classic IP plays in cultural output and national image building. It tries to explore the suitable way for the export of cultural products through the dissection of the classic IP communication strategies at home and abroad.