在当代西方政治哲学中,自主权被看做是自由主义的核心所在。提倡自由、平等等基本权利,与对人的自主性的强调是分不开的,没有自主权,其他基本权利等于虚设。然而,当代保守主义哲学家约翰·凯克斯(John Kekes)对于自由主义的这一核心理念发起了尖锐的批判与攻击。不少人认为凯克斯的这一批判击中自由主义的要害。但果真如此吗?本文希望通过对凯克斯的批判的分析来回答这一问题。
In contemporary Western political philosophy, autonomy is seen as central to liberalism. The promotion of basic rights such as freedom and equality is inseparable from the emphasis on people’s autonomy. There is no autonomy and other basic rights mean nothing. However, contemporary conservative philosopher John Kekes has sharply criticized and attacked this central concept of liberalism. Many people think that this critique of Keyes hit the key to liberalism. But is it true? This article hopes to answer this question through a critical analysis of Kekes.