第一章总则 第一条本会定名为“成都市储运行业协会”。 第二条本会由成都地区不同经济成份、不同隶属关系的从事仓储、运输服务的企业在平等、互惠互利基础上自愿组成的,具有专业性、学术性及非营利性的行业性组织和法人资格的社会团体。 第三条本会的宗旨是:贯
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The Society is named as “Chengdu Storage and Transportation Association”. Article 2 This association shall be composed of professional, academic and non-profit industrial organizations and legal persons voluntarily formed on the basis of equality and mutual benefits by enterprises engaged in warehousing and transportation services of different economic compositions and different affiliations in Chengdu. Qualified social groups. The third article of the purpose is: consistent