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近几年来,太极柔力球运动这一项新兴的、具有鲜明民族特色的体育项目正逐渐走进全国各高校的体育课堂,并且逐渐受到广大学生的欢迎。但是笔者在日常的教学过程中发现,部分学生在学习过程中出现了技术动作掌握缓慢,找不到感觉,甚至因为学不会而自动放弃的现象,这些学生成为太极柔力球弱势群体。笔者针对这一群体的特点找出造成他们学习困难的原因并加以分析,有针对性地提出一些对策,帮助他们树立信心,走出困境,圆满完成教学任务,使其更好的在高校中开展下去,成为高校体育课程的重要组成部分。 In recent years, Tai Chi softball this a new, distinctive national characteristics of sports is gradually into the national college sports classrooms, and gradually by the majority of students welcome. However, in the daily teaching process, the author found that some students appeared in the learning process to grasp the technical action slowly, can not find the feeling, or even because of not learning and will automatically give up the phenomenon of these students to become Tai Chi soft ball disadvantaged groups. According to the characteristics of this group, the author finds out and analyzes the reasons causing them to learn difficulties and puts forward some countermeasures in a targeted manner to help them to build their confidence, get out of their predicament, complete the teaching task satisfactorily and make them better carried out in colleges and universities , Has become an important part of college physical education curriculum.