Anti-scourability of purple soil on hillslopes with different land uses

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoulina1314
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A large-scale flume (40 cm×10 cm×10 cm) was used to determine soilanti-scourability of 4 different land uses of purple soil in hilly areas of Sichuan, Chinaunder artificial removal of vegetation to examine the effects of land uses on sedimentproduction by runoff. The results showed that soil anti-scourability declined with theincrease of slope gradients in the form of power function, but there was a significantdifference in the effects of slope gradients on anti-scourability between different land uses.The ratio of the mean values of soil anti-scourability was 1∶2.2∶2.5∶3.6 for forest land,new waste pasture, old waste pasture, crop land respectively, indicating that forest andgrass use can significantly improve soil anti-scourability. Compared with the observationsfrom the runoff plots located at the same sites in this region, an inconsistent result wasfound between anti-scourability and anti-erodibility in hilly areas of Sichuan. Essentialcauses of the differences in soil anti-scourability were further discussed based onanalyzing the influence of inherent soil characteristics induced by different land uses onsoil anti-scourability.
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