
来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fonely
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1996年单季晚稻生产在梅雨期长且多雨寡照不利早发情况下,全面推行群体质量栽培技术,通过促分蘖、控群体、攻大穗,使穗粒协调发展,实现穗粒重“三增”获得丰收,全县亩产超过550kg大关,同时涌现出不少高产田块。现根据高产田块系统资料结合前几年有关材料,探讨高产群体特点,群体质量指标及其调控技术,为进一步提高产量提供依据。1高产群体特点1.1提高每亩总颖花量是群体经济质量的指标1996年与1994年基本苗都是12.88万,虽然单株成穗少0.21个,每亩穗数降至31.56万,但由于幼穗分化期间平均气温27.98℃比1994年减0.54℃,>28℃以上不利于穗分化积温比1994年少14.4度·日,促进了枝梗颖花分化,穗型比1994年增18. In 1996, the single-season late rice production under the conditions of long rainy season and early adventitious rainy season, the full implementation of mass-quality cultivation techniques, through the promotion of tillering, control groups, attack the big spike, spike grain coordination and development, to achieve grain weight “three by ”Received a good harvest, the county more than 550kg per mu mark, at the same time emerged a lot of high yield plots. Based on the high-yielding field system data and related materials in previous years, the characteristics of high-yielding population, population quality indicators and their regulation techniques are discussed to provide the basis for further improving the yield. 1 Characteristics of High-yielding Population 1.1 Increasing the total amount of spike per mu is an indicator of the economic quality of the population In 1996 and 1994, the basic seedlings were 128,800. Although the number of spikes per plant was 0.21, the number of spike per mu dropped to 315,600. However, The average temperature during young panicle differentiation was 27.98 ℃, which was 0.54 ℃ lower than that in 1994. The temperature above 28 ℃ was not conducive to spike differentiation, and the accumulated temperature was 14.4 ℃ lower than that in 1994.
目的:N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸受体(N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor, NMDAR, NR)与兴奋性突触传递、突触可塑性、学习和记忆等许多中枢活动密切相关,其过度激活所介导的兴奋毒性与机
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以热导二环系“87”作为亲本之一 ,与不同类群测验系杂交 ,所配组合均表现出较强的杂种优势 ,尤其豫单 870 3即综 3× 87- 1优势最强。 1993~ 1996年 ,在省内外区试、生产示范