“透过优素福·卡什的双眼,透过他的视角以及他在拍摄伟人肖像时的娴熟技巧,我们得以看到20世纪那些最著名的人物。”初识优素福·卡什是在20世纪90年代。我有幸与这位大师面对面交谈。我被卡什专注的布光风格,选择的相机类型和胶片尺寸深深迷住了。这一切让他有别于我所知道的其他任何一位肖像摄影师。当时我在渥太华的卡什工作室里,买下了第一幅卡什的照片——一幅24寸的雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)肖像,并由此开始了我的“卡什全景”的探索。
“Through Yosef Cash’s eyes, through his perspective and his skill in filming portraits of great men, we can see the most famous figures of the 20th century.” The First Yusuf Kaka Even in the 1990s. I am fortunate enough to talk face to face with this master. I was fascinated by Kash’s style of shine, the type of camera I chose, and the size of the film. All this makes him different from any other portrait photographer I know. At that time I was in Ottawa’s Cash studio, bought the first picture of Cash - a 24-inch Jacques Cousteau (Jacques Cousteau) portraits, and thus began my Panorama "exploration.