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发展外向型经济,参与国际竞争,对于企业和企业家来说是一次机会,也是一次挑战。怎样跻身于国际经济竞争的洪流,如何把握住良机进入国际市场,我想就此谈几点看法。首先是进一步解放思想,切实转变观念。困扰我们走向国际市场的因素很多,其中一个不可忽视的因素,是我们的思想观念还比较陈旧。比如,在吸引外资上,我们的认识还比较肤浅,对世界经济形势和外商投资心理缺乏研究,往往是坐等人家上门;在内外经济类型的机制上,墓本上还是重“内”轻“外”,有“内销保平安,外销担风险”的小生产观念;还有的一提落实“三资”企业的优惠政策,就怕肥水流入“洋人田”等等。如果我们的思想 Developing an export-oriented economy and participating in international competition is an opportunity for companies and entrepreneurs, as well as a challenge. How to become a member of the torrent of international economic competition and how to seize the opportunity to enter the international market, I would like to discuss several points on this issue. The first is to further emancipate the mind and effectively change the concept. There are many factors that plague us to go to the international market. One of the factors that cannot be ignored is that our ideas are still old. For example, in terms of attracting foreign investment, our understanding is still superficial, and studies on the world economic situation and the lack of psychological investment by foreign investors often wait for others to come to the door; on the mechanism of internal and external economic types, the tomb is still heavy on “inner” and “outside.” “There are small-scale production concepts of ”selling domestic products safely and safely, and exporting them at risk,“ and there are also those who mention the implementation of preferential policies for ”three foreign-funded“ enterprises, and are afraid that fertilizers will flow into ”foreigners" and so on. If we think
动作营销是近年来国内外十分流行的一种公关传播与市场推广手段,它作为一种崭新的获取倍增效应的市场营销战略方式,正越来越被国内外企业所采用。 Action marketing is a ve
幼儿园给每个班都配备了办公电脑,经过园长长时间的协调,教育局领导同意安上网线。起初,局领导建议要控制教师上网时间,免得有些教师在上班时间上网做其他事情。园长则认为:网络是把双刃剑。虽然有可能会带来一些副作用,但是,我们要信任教师会正确对待。最终,局领导同意了园长的意见。幼儿园的网络得以全天向教师开放。  谁知道网络开通不到三个月。问题就来了:某教师上班时间炒股,某教师一有空就与朋友在QQ上聊天,某
本文分析了我国铝合金PS版基的生产现状,并与国外先进水平进行了对比,提出了改善PS版基质量的对策及途径。 This paper analyzes the production status of PS base of alum