目的了解鲤城区流动人群艾滋病知识认知及相关疾病感染状况,为干预提供依据。方法对鲤城区8家工厂流动人群进行问卷调查,采血检测HIV、梅毒和HCV抗体。结果 2013—2015年共调查954人,艾滋病知识知晓率分别为63.7%、48.5%和72.5%,男女类似。不同婚姻状况、年龄和文化程度者差异有统计学意义。81.9%的调查者有过性行为;安全套使用率:最近1年与固定性伴13.5%,与临时性伴23.5%,男性发生商业性行为26.9%,男男性行为40.0%。获得艾滋病知识来源前3位:电视(60.7%)、宣传材料(43.4%)和互联网(35.2%)。遇到问题时寻求帮助前3位:医院(46.0%)、疾控中心(38.9%)、不知道(11.8%)。HIV感染率0.1%、梅毒感染率1.6%、HCV感染率1.5%。结论鲤城区流动人群艾滋病知晓率、安全套使用率较低,要加大宣传力度和频率,扩大干预覆盖面和检测率,以促进其行为改变。
Objective To understand the knowledge of HIV / AIDS and the related infection among mobile population in Licheng District, and provide the basis for intervention. Methods A questionnaire survey was carried out on the floating population of 8 factories in Licheng District to collect HIV, syphilis and HCV antibodies. Results A total of 954 people were surveyed during 2013-2015. The awareness rate of AIDS knowledge was 63.7%, 48.5% and 72.5%, respectively, similar to that of men and women. There were significant differences among different marital status, age and education level. 81.9% of the investigators had had sex; condom use rate: 13.5% in the last year with fixed sex partners, 23.5% with temporary partners, 26.9% with men and 40.0% with men and women. Access to the top three sources of AIDS knowledge: television (60.7%), promotional materials (43.4%) and the Internet (35.2%). Seeking help in the first three places: hospital (46.0%), CDC (38.9%), do not know (11.8%). HIV infection rate of 0.1%, syphilis infection rate of 1.6%, HCV infection rate of 1.5%. Conclusion The prevalence rate of HIV / AIDS and the rate of condom use in mobile population in Licheng District are relatively low. Publicity and frequency should be increased, and the coverage and detection rate of intervention should be expanded so as to promote behavioral change.