How Will South Africa Benefit from Joining the BRICS

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This paper aims to discuss how South Africa’s accession to the BRICS will impact on the development of South Africa ’s infrastructure development. It is a well know fact among development scholars and experts that in order for sustainable economic development a country’s infrastructure needs to be on point and flourish. The South African government has realised the importance of this and in the National Development Plan the government highlights infrastructure development in South Africa as one of the key areas of growth and development for job creation and economic development. Discourse around the BRICS is discussed, who and what they are, a brief history on each country is also provided in the paper. It has also been said that South Africa ’s accession to the BRICS will be valuable for the rest of Africa as well because South Africa is seen as a gateway to other African countries. The relationship between Africa and China is one that is highly contested by the west however it seems that it still continues to flourish and this shall be briefly discussed in the paper. Talks of a BRICS development bank is an area that will also be touched on, this bank is set to fund infrastructure projects especially in Africa amongst its other duties. The main objective of this paper is to access whether or not South Africa will benefit from entering the BRICS in December 2011 and this is explored in the paper. This paper aims to discuss how South Africa’s accession to the BRICS will impact on the development of South Africa’s infrastructure development. It is a well know fact among among development scholars and experts that in order for sustainable economic development a country’s infrastructure needs to be on point and flourish. The South African government has realized the importance of this and in the National Development Plan the government highlights infrastructure development in South Africa as one of the key areas of growth and development for job creation and economic development. Discourse around the BRICS is discussed, who and what they are, a brief history on each country is also provided in the paper. It has also been said that South Africa’s accession to the BRICS will be valuable for the rest of Africa as well because South Africa is seen as a gateway to other African countries. The relationship between Africa and China is one that that is highly contested by the west but it seems seems that it still continues to flourish and this shall still be to be flourished and this shall be be touched on the paper. The main is Africa’s other duties. The main is Taliban a BRICS development bank is an area that will also be touched on, this bank is set to fund infrastructure projects especially in Africa amongst its other duties. objective of this paper is to access whether or not South Africa will benefit from entering the BRICS in December 2011 and this is explored in the paper.
Central and western China is seeking to stimulate economic growth through its advantages in labor, resources and geography and its regional planning policies. M
广西国道G322桂林至全州段是广西区桂北重要的出口通道,全路段116km,原路面为水泥混凝土,2004年经路面大修加铺了40 cm水泥稳定碎石基层和5 cm沥青混凝土面层。经多年运营,部