本研究表明,玉米不同基因型杂交,F_1代籽粒淀粉值表现为从无优势到强优势的数量遗传变化。认为:①双亲淀粉含量都高时,F_1代淀粉含量亦高,而且具有特殊配合力效应——超显性遗传;②若双亲之一淀粉含量比较低时,难以获得高淀粉的 F_1代,而只能是接近于较高亲本;③淀粉含量不是增加 F_1代籽粒产量的唯一因素。
This study showed that the crosses of different genotypes of maize showed that the grain starch value of F 1 showed a quantitative genetic change from no predominance to strong predominance. The results showed that: ① When both parents had high starch content, the F_1 generation had high starch content and had special combining ability effect - super dominant geneticity. ②If one of the two parents had a low starch content, it was difficult to obtain high starch F1 generation, Can only be close to the higher parents; ③ starch content is not the only factor to increase grain yield of F1 generation.