根据《中华人民共和国预算法》的规定和《国务院关于编制2000年中央预算和地方预算的通知》(国发[1999]17号)的有关精神,现就编制我省2000年财政收支预算的有关问题通知如下。一、编制2000年预算的指导思想和原则 2000年,我国面临的国际环境仍然是机遇与挑战并存。一方面,全球经济结构调整步伐加快,经济区域化趋势加强,国际贸易保护主义加剧,世界经济发展中不确定性因素增多;另一方而,亚洲各主要国家的经济增长将逐步恢复,周边经济环境有所改善。从全国来看,2000年国内生产总值增长预期目标为7%左右,物价总水平与1999年持平或略有上涨。从
In accordance with the provisions of the “Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Notice of the State Council on the Preparation of the Central Government’s Budget and Local Budget for 2000” (Guo Fa [1999] No. 17), on the preparation of the budget for 2000 fiscal revenue and expenditure of our province The issue is notified as follows. I. Guidelines and Principles for the Preparation of the 2000 Budget The international environment our country is facing in 2000 still faces both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, accelerating the pace of global economic structural readjustment, intensifying regionalization of economy, deepening of international trade protectionism and increasing uncertainties in world economic development; on the other hand, the economic growth of major Asian countries will gradually recover and the surrounding economic environment it has been improved. From a national perspective, the expected growth target for GDP in 2000 is about 7%, with the overall price level unchanged or slightly up from 1999. From