【摘 要】
The article selects the panel data of 289 prefecture-level and above cities in China from 2003 to 2017,establishes simultaneous equations and uses the 3SLS estimation method to study the relationship between air pollution and economic growth.On the whole,
【机 构】
School of Economics and Management,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;Sc
The article selects the panel data of 289 prefecture-level and above cities in China from 2003 to 2017,establishes simultaneous equations and uses the 3SLS estimation method to study the relationship between air pollution and economic growth.On the whole,industrial sulfur dioxide and soot emissions have an inverted U-shaped relationship with per capita GDP,and the increase in sulfur dioxide emissions has played a significant role in hindering economic growth.From a regional per-spective,the sulfur dioxide emissions in the eastern and western regions conform to the environmental Kuznets curve,and the per capita GDP at the turning point in the western region is significantly lower than the overall national level.The smoke and dust emissions in the eastern,central and western regions all conform to the environmental Kuznets curve,while the per capita GDP at the turning point in the western region is significantly lower than that in the eastern and central regions.In the eastern region,both sulfur dioxide and smoke and dust emissions significantly hinder economic growth,and this hindrance is mainly caused by the spatial transfer of labor.Through further analysis,it is found that environmental regulations can significantly suppress the negative impact of air pollution on economic growth.Finally,the article puts forward some suggestions,such as environmental governance according to local conditions and strengthening environmental regulations.
Based on China\'s real estate investment(REI),commercial housing sales(CHS),and GDP data from 2001 to 2020,we studied the dependence,asymmetry,and transmission direction of China\'s real estate and economy.Their cross-correlation is demonstrated throu
从数据库中检索出CG13551基因氨基酸序列信息,生理生化分析显示:SK66蛋白含有107个氨基酸残基,分子量约11 948.3 Da,理论等电点为8.96.该蛋白中,甘氨酸(Gly)含量最高,为14.0%;其次为谷氨酸(Glu)和丙氨酸(Ala),分别为11.2%和9.3%.SK66蛋白是一个亲水蛋白质但不是一个分泌蛋白.SK66蛋白不存在跨膜结构域.蛋白质二级结构包括57.96%α-螺旋、10.28%β-折叠、β-转角以及31.78%无规则卷曲等构象.进化树显示,主要分成两类,较为高等的动物分为第一类
针对仿真过程中大多数电池等效模型未能考虑低温对电池性能影响的问题,文章基于充放电性能受低温影响较大的磷酸铁锂电池,构建了适用于短时间、小倍率放电条件的电池等效模型,并进行了仿真与实验验证.首先分别在0℃、5℃、15℃三种条件下对电池进行HPPC测试;其次在Matlab/cftool工具箱中采用指数函数法拟合,求出各项参数值;最后在Matlab/Simulink中建立仿真模型,并进行恒流放电和脉冲放电工况实验验证模型的准确性.结果表明:在脉冲放电工况下该模型模拟精度较高,误差最大不超过0.02 V,在恒流工
In recent years,China\'s industrialization and urbanization have deepened,and the economy has grown considerably.But at the same time,they have also brought about many environmental problems.As a pillar of the national economy,the iron and steel(IS)indu
近年来,大量文献对有氧运动检测指标及方案进行了研究,但都局限在低海拔地区的居民以及高海拔地区训练的运动员群体,很少涉及到高海拔地区的世居藏族.因此,为了填补相关研究领域的空白,归纳总结世居藏族健康青壮年的有氧运动检测指标及方案很有必要.文章针对Pub Med和CNKI数据库的相关文献进行综述后归纳总结出:世居藏族常用有氧运动检测指标包括心功能(心率、心输出量、心音、心脏收缩时间间期)、血氧饱和度和最大摄氧量及无氧阈.其中,血氧饱和度在评价准确性上总体要优于其他指标,对我国世居多数藏族的实际居民有氧运动生活
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