
来源 :公司治理评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teddy18chen
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基于问卷调查与年报数据,实证分析了中小商业银行内部治理机制与风险控制之间的关系。研究表明,银行行长持有股份、股东大会与董事会的会议频次以及大股东之间的有效制衡将有利于强化对中小商业银行的风险控制作用。然而,独立董事不但没能在加强风险控制方面起到积极作用,反而增加了银行的风险,监事会规模也是如此,呈现出规模越大,银行在风险控制上越弱的倾向。此外,第一大股东持股、参会股东比例和董事会规模没有通过显著性检验。最后,针对实证分析所反映出来的问题,提出了相应的对策建议。 Based on the questionnaire and annual report data, this paper empirically analyzes the relationship between the internal governance mechanism and risk control in small and medium-sized commercial banks. The research shows that the holding of shares by bank governors, the frequency of meetings between shareholders’ general meeting and the board of directors, and the effective checks and balances among major shareholders will help to strengthen the risk control of small and medium-sized commercial banks. However, the independent directors not only failed to play an active role in strengthening risk control, but increased the risk of the banks. The size of the supervisory board also showed the tendency of larger banks and weaker risk control. In addition, the largest shareholder of shareholders, the proportion of shareholders attending the meeting and the size of the board did not pass the test of significance. Finally, according to the problems reflected in the empirical analysis, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
B.Q.单B.Q.单的英文全称为BillofQuantities,也有人简称BOQ ,中文译作“工程数量单” ,还有的标书里称为PriceSchedules(价格表 )。在合同中B.Q.单通常是独立的一本册子 ,它是投标报价时计算标价的主要基础 ,也是承包商通过
国家主席毛泽东:1949.9—1954.9任中华人民共和国中央人民政府委员会主席;1954.9—1959.9任中华人民共和国主席。刘少奇:1959.4—1968.10任中华人民共和国主席(1968年10月被错误地永远开除党籍,撤销党内外一切职务。1973? Chairma
最近,毛泽东与贺子珍的女儿李敏写了一本书--《我的父 亲毛泽东》。此书为我们提供了不少珍贵的材料和照片,有机会 让我们走近了伟人的家庭生活,走近了一位伟大而又亲切的父
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