患者男,24岁,消防员。在灭火过程中不慎吸入干粉灭火器干粉后1 d,感咽部灼痛、呛咳、胸闷、憋喘、腹胀,休息后自觉症状不缓解,遂来本院就诊。查体:T 37.5℃,P 110次/min,R 24次/min,BP 120/80 mmHg。发育正常,端坐位,憋喘貌。全身皮肤黏膜无黄染。口唇轻度发绀,呼吸道黏膜充血、轻度水肿。双肺呼吸音粗,肺底可闻及散在湿性啰音。心率110次/min,律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音。腹软,剑突下轻压痛,无反跳痛,余未见明显异常。辅助检查:血常规WBC 10.4×10~9/L,RBC 5.06×10~(12)/L,HLB 172 g/L,PLT 188×10~9/L;胸部正
Male patient, 24 years old, firefighter. During the fire extinguishing process inadvertently inhaled dry powder fire extinguisher 1 d after the dry powder, sensory burning sensation, cough, chest tightness, wheezing, abdominal distension, resting symptoms do not ease, then came to our hospital. Examination: T 37.5 ℃, P 110 times / min, R 24 times / min, BP 120/80 mmHg. Normal development, sitting position, hold breath appearance. Whole body mucous membrane without yellow dye. Mild cyanosis lips, respiratory mucosal congestion, mild edema. Breath sounds coarse lungs, lungs can be heard and scattered wet rales. Heart rate 110 times / min, law Qi, the valve auscultation area did not smell and noise. Abdominal soft, xiphoid tenderness, no rebound pain, I no obvious abnormalities. Auxiliary examination: blood WBC 10.4 × 10 ~ 9 / L, RBC 5.06 × 10-12 / L, HLB 172 g / L, PLT 188 × 10 ~ 9 / L;