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受激布里渊散射(SBS)是制约窄线宽光纤激光器功率和系统稳定性提升的重要因素,后向传输的斯托克斯(Stokes)光可能会损坏种子和前级放大系统,如何有效抑制SBS或滤除SBS产生的后向Stokes光是高功率窄线宽激光系统必须解决的关键问题。根据光纤激光器的工作波长和SBS频移特性,设计并采用紫外激光加相位掩模板法制备了单模光纤倾斜光纤Bragg光栅(TFBG),搭建系统,开展了SBS信号滤除验证实验。实验结果表明,TFBG对后向SBS信号的平均滤除率大于16 dB,可以很好地保护前级系统,有助于系统稳定工作。
High-temperature annealing and pre-annealing lift-off procedures are employed to improve the solution processible technique for the fabrication of one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) metallic photonic crystals (MPCs) based on colloidal gold nanoparticles.
To resolve the conflict of large measurement range and high accuracy in the existing real-time laser diode (LD) interferometers for displacement measurement, a novel real-time LD interferometry for displacement measurement is proposed and its measurement
Core-diameter adjustment, in analogy to doping management, is proposed in this letter for balancing thermal load and nonlinear effects. In this scheme, the core-to-cladding ratio increases with increasing core diameter along the direction of signal and pu
研制了一种高均匀性、小型化的法拉第磁光隔离器,用于780 nm波长的光路中,并对设计方案进行了数值模拟和验证。采用了新颖的三段式“π”形磁体的组合设计方案, 提高了剩磁利用率。隔离器整体体积为52 cm3,其中磁体体积为18 cm3,是相当小的。它的通光孔径为5 mm,隔离比为34.6 dB,透过率为90.9%。与之类似的 “II”型磁体体积更小,磁场均匀性稍差,也是可行的设计方案。成品隔离器比商用隔离器磁场均匀度更高,体积更小,隔离比更高,可以有效满足研发中的冷原子平台的 小型化、高精度需求。
Editorial for Focus Issue on Optical 3D Display and ImagingWith the impressive progress of flat panel display technologies, the three-dimensional (3D) display and imaging technologies have attracted much attention in recent years as they can provide ultim
采用纤芯间距为38.78 μm的国产多芯光纤设计了一种光纤弯曲传感器.该多芯光纤弯曲传感器由长度为1 m的七芯光纤与单模光纤拼接制成,多芯光纤弯曲时,相邻的纤芯发生模式耦合.在传感器一侧,将宽带光注入到位于多芯光纤中心的纤芯,用光谱分析仪测量带有曲率信息的频谱,获得弯曲传感器的透射谱波长偏移与弯曲曲率半径的关系.结果表明:多芯光纤弯曲半径越小,弯曲曲率越大,串扰越明显.