第9届国际精密工程研讨会(9—IPES)第4届超精密制造工程国际会议(UBE4)于1997年6月26~30日在德国的不伦瑞克市(Braunschwveig)召开。 这次会议由德国物理技术研究院(PTB)和英国Cranfield大学工业与制造科学学院共同组织,得到了CIRP、EuSPEN(欧洲精密工程与纳米技术学会)’Carl Zeiss公司、Zygo公司、DFG公司等的支持和赞助。 来自世界各地近300名代表参加了会议,欧洲著名的数十家精密工程公司也参加了
9th International Precision Engineering Symposium (9-IPES) The 4th International Conference on Ultra-Precision Fabrication Engineering (UBE4) was held in Braunschweig, Germany from June 26th to 30th, 1997. Organized by the German Institute of Physics and Technology (PTB) and the Faculty of Engineering and Manufacturing Science at Cranfield University in the UK, the conference was attended by CIRP, EuSPEN (Carl Zeiss, Zygo, DFG, etc.) of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology Support and sponsorship. Nearly 300 delegates from all over the world attended the conference, and dozens of well-known European precision engineering companies participated in the conference