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滂沱大雨下了一夜,直到早晨才停下来。街上到处都是积水,走在上学路上的我们只好绕水而行。在学校的大门前,我们都停住了脚步,眼前的一道水洼正好封锁了校门。怎么办?看那水洼足有三米多宽,如果跳准得落水;垫路,周围又没有那么多可用的石块。我们一个 It rained overnight until it stopped in the morning. There was a lot of water on the streets. We had to walk around the water to go around the water. In front of the school gates, we all stopped and the front of a blister sealed the school gate. What to do? Look at the water, which is more than three meters wide. If the jump is accurate, it will fall into the water; there will be no more stones available around the road. One of us
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手术室的门砰地关上了。许恒顿时觉得一颗心被悬了起来,弥漫着消毒药水的空间让人神情恍惚。他后退几步,依着走廊边的长椅,无力地坐下,随即用双手蒙住眼睛。 The threshold
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近十年来,中小学教育收费问题已日渐成为社会关注的焦点之一。虽然政府和有关部门对其采取了多种措施,教育乱收费现象得到有效扼制,但问题还不 In the past decade, the iss
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富梅被兴旺大酒店录用为验菜工。  上班第一天,酒店经理朱卫成对富梅说:“供应商送来的蔬菜鱼肉,你都要给我认真检验,不合格的一律不能收,把它们退回去。这个关,你无论如何要把好!”  富梅深感验菜工的责任,所以心里暗暗下了决心,一定要把这个工作做好。  第二天一早,富梅准时来酒店上班,跑到仓库一看,供应商们已经来了,管仓库的花大姐也已经开始过磅验收。花大姐见了富梅,不冷不热地说:“你来这么早干吗?”