刺激性气体是引起急性中毒性肺水肿的主要原因,但由乙炔气割产生的刺激性气体引起的肺水肿尚属少见,我院曾于1983年1月收治一例,现报导如下: 病例患者于××,男性,28岁,机修车间气焊工。平素身体健康,于1983年1月28日上午8时起连续进行气割作业9小时,虽在室外作业,但因对面有墙,通风不畅,至当日下午6时许,患者觉胸闷,气急、呼吸困难,剧咳、咳出棕红色泡沫痰,并有乏力、头昏,恶心等症状,待晚7时许由他人送来医院。
Irritant gas is the main cause of acute toxic pulmonary edema, but the gas eruption caused by acetylene gas cutting irritation gas is still rare, our hospital was admitted in January 1983 a case, are reported as follows: patients in the × ×, male, 28 years old, mechanics shop gas welder. Normally healthy, on January 28, 1983 at 8 am continuous gas cutting operations for 9 hours, although in outdoor work, but the opposite wall, poor ventilation, to 6 pm the same day, the patient felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, Dyspnea, cough, cough brown red foam sputum, and fatigue, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms, to be delivered by night 7 pm hospital.