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当代版画艺术创作在经济社会发展的滚滚浪潮中也呈现出多元化发展的景象。既有传统“三版”的固守与坚持,也有数字版画、新概念版画的涌现和喧嚣。既有符合审美规律、具备时代精神的优秀作品展现,也有虚张声势、无病呻吟的杂芜孳生。信息爆炸时代,数字媒体技术的日新月异带给版画艺术发展的冲击带来的是发展动因和困扰束缚的泥沙俱下。数字技术在版画艺术发展中到底产生的是什么样的积极和消极作用,如何利用现代数字技术带来的信息传播和技术创新因素促进版画创作的繁荣与升华,这些是我们必须面对的严肃思考。辩证地看待科学技术对艺术发展的作用,有效的利用积极因素带来的思潮冲击和技术创新,促进版画艺术创作手法的多样化、版画语素的不断丰富、创作活动的效率提升,将传统艺术形式与新的技术革命和时代精神嫁接互溶,版画艺术才能与时俱进,形成百花齐放的盛世景象。 The contemporary print art creation also shows the diversified development in the tide of economic and social development. Both tradition and “three” stick to and adhere to, there are digital prints, the emergence of new concept prints and noisy. Both in line with the aesthetic law, with the spirit of the times to show outstanding works, but also bluff, disease-free moisten Wuhu breeding. In the era of information explosion, with the ever-changing technology of digital media, the impact brought by the development of the printmaking art is caused by the development motivation and the shackles of restraint. What kind of positive and negative effects of digital technology are in the development of printmaking art? How to promote the prosperity and sublimation of printmaking by using the information dissemination and technological innovation brought by modern digital technology, these are the serious thinking that we must face . Dialectically view the role of science and technology in the development of the arts, make effective use of the impact of ideological trends and technological innovation brought by the positive factors, promote the diversification of the techniques for making prints, enrich the engravings of the engravings, and enhance the efficiency of creative activities. With the new technological revolution and the spirit of the times grafting miscibility, printmaking art can keep pace with the times, forming a blossoming flourishing landscape.