耿耿此心志 魂随日月旋——记李大钊的老师、南通籍辛亥革命烈士白雅雨

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长江入海口的波涛拍打着南通长江大堤的岩石,发出阵阵涛声,召唤着近代一位南通籍著名爱国志士的不朽英灵;江海平原的春风吹拂着南通狼山的松林,发出沙沙声响,倾诉着一位英烈的悲壮事迹。这位英烈,就是中国共产党主要创始人之一李大钊的老师,为实现民主共和理想而捐躯的辛亥革命滦州起义主要领导人白雅雨烈士。 The waves of the estuary of the Yangtze River flapping the rocks of the Nantong Yangtze River embankment burst into waves and called for the immortal spirit of a famous Nantong-born patriot in the modern times. The spring breeze of the Jianghai Plain blew the pine forests of Langshan in Nantong and made a rustling noise A tragic heroic deeds. The hero, Li Dazhao, one of the chief founders of the Chinese Communist Party, and martyr Baiyue Yu, the main leader of the Luanzhou Uprising of the 1911 Revolution, who died in the fulfillment of the democratic republican ideals.