Helicobacter pylori in dental plaque and stomach of patients from Northern Brazil

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs19890126
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AIM: To establish whether virulence factor genes vacA and cagA are present in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) retrieved from gastric mucosa and dental plaque in pa-tients with dyspepsia. METHODS: Cumulative dental plaque specimens and gastric biopsies were submitted to histological exami-nation, rapid urease test and polymerase chain reac-tion (PCR) assays to detect the presence of cagA and vacA polymorphisms.RESULTS: Detection of H. pylori from dental plaque and gastric biopsy samples was greater by PCR com-pared to histological examination and the rapid ure-ase test. DNA from H. pylori was detected in 96% of gastric mucosa samples and in 72% of dental plaque samples. Sixty-three (89%) of 71 dental plaque sam-ples that were H. pylori-positive also exhibited identical vacA and cagA genotypes in gastric mucosa. The most common genotype was vacAs1bm1 and cagA positive, either in dental plaque or gastric mucosa. These viru-lent H. pylori isolates were involved in the severity of clinical outcome.CONCLUSION: These pathogenic strains were found simultaneously in dental plaque and gastric mucosa, which suggests that gastric infection is correlated with the presence of H. pylori in the mouth. AIM: To establish whether virulence factor genes vacA and cagA are present in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) retrieved from gastric mucosa and dental plaque in pa-tients with dyspepsia. METHODS: Cumulative dental plaque specimens and gastric biopsies were submitted to histological exami- nation, rapid urease test and polymerase chain reac-tion (PCR) assays to detect the presence of cagA and vacA polymorphisms .RESULTS: Detection of H. pylori from dental plaque and gastric biopsy samples was greater by PCR com-pared to histological examination and The rapid ure-ase test. DNA from H. pylori was detected in 96% of gastric mucosa samples and in 72% of dental plaque samples. Sixty-three (89%) of 71 dental plaque sam-ples that were H. pylori- positive also includes identical vacA and cagA genotypes in gastric mucosa. The most common genotype was vacAs1bm1 and cagA positive, either in dental plaque or gastric mucosa. These viru-lent H. pylori isolates were involved in the severity of clinical outcome.CONCLUSION: These pathogenic strains were found simultaneously in dental plaque and gastric mucosa, which suggests that gastric infection is correlated with the presence of H. pylori in the mouth.
上网时偶然发现2000年第6期《博览群书》杂志刊有林涤非先生的《我写 (章乃器传)的遭遇》一文,叙述了林先生“被拖延十五六年之久的《章乃器传》”的“一个极其复杂、曲折、离奇遭遇的出版过程”。这篇文章涉及到我和《七君子传》的主编周天度先生,内容有许多不实之词,虽然我发现较晚,周先生本人又不在国内,但由于林文损害了我们在学界的名誉,不能不加以辩正,将有关林撰《章乃器传》真相写出来。林先生在文章中说: 
摘 要:高考分数不能成为衡量一所学校办学质量的唯一指标,我们应追求分数以外更重要的东西:学生自主发展需要,学生责任意识的培养,学生独立人格和独立思考能力的培养。为此我们必须对课程进行变革,但山区高中校在此改革中有些滞后,尤其是校本选修课程开设不好。通过学习了上海名校经验,结合山区高中现状分析,提出了对山区高中校本选修课开设的建议。  关键词:山区高中;校本选修课;开设  中图分类号:G632.4
内隐记忆(implicit memory)是指人们不能回忆其本身但能在行为中证明其事后效应的经验(Roediger,1993)。其操作定义是,在不需要意识或有意回忆的情况下,个体的经验自动对当前