
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsptdy
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通常在牙槽窝内埋入种植体作支抗,但常不能满足最大支抗的要求。近年来,颌骨其他部位的骨内种植支抗受到关注,尤其是腭骨。但存在腭骨厚度问题,关系到种植体是否会穿通到鼻腔。本研究选择年龄15~39岁需正畸治疗患者12名(男女各半),为获得上颌的最大支抗,在腭骨矢向中部植入由瑞典Straumann研究所提供的钉状正畸系统种植体。植入前,预备进入道未发现有穿通到鼻腔,种植体位置由头侧位X线片 Implants are usually embedded in the alveolar fossa but often fail to meet the maximum support requirements. In recent years, bone graft support has been of interest in other parts of the jaw, especially the palatine bone. However, the problem of palatal thickness is related to whether the implants penetrate the nasal cavity. In this study, 12 patients (half male and half female) with orthodontic treatment of 15-39 years of age were selected. In order to obtain maximum maxillary maxilla support, a spiculated orthodontic system implant provided by Swedish Straumann Institute . Before implantation, the preparation of the entry tract was not found to have penetrated the nasal cavity, the implant position by the X-ray
烦恼妈妈:李惠(宁波)  烦恼事:我的孩子8个多月了,办为上班的原因我必须人她断奶了,可是断了几次都没有成功,每次看到宝宝撕心裂肺的哭声,我就受不了,虽然一直对自己说要坚持住,但最后仍以失败而告终。我现在都没辙了,大家能不能给我点建议?    专家揭秘  心理学家将断奶称为第二次母婴分离,断奶对婴儿来说是一个非常大的转折期。它不仅仅是食物品种、喂养方式的改变,更重要的是对宝宝心理发育有重要影响。