
来源 :实验动物科学与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiqing
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目的 观察大鼠和小鼠口服腰痛宁胶囊 (含有马钱子、土鳖虫和全蝎等中药 )的急性毒性作用。方法 以SD和Wistar种大鼠 ,昆明种和BALB/c小鼠为受试对象 ,采用Bliss法测定口服腰痛宁胶囊的LD50 。结果 雄性SD大鼠口服腰痛宁胶囊的LD50 为 6 15 8 95mg/kg ,而雌性大鼠的LD50 为 80 3 85mg/kg;雄性Wistar大鼠口服腰痛宁胶囊的LD50 为 5 80 7 5 7mg/kg,而雌性大鼠的LD50 为 86 1 94mg/kg ;昆明种小鼠口服腰痛宁胶囊的LD50 为 6 4 0 4 4mg/kg ;BALB/C小鼠的LD50 为 4 4 8 34mg/kg。结论 不同性别的大鼠对腰痛宁胶囊的急性毒性反应有非常著性差异 ,SD大鼠雄性LD50 比雌性高 7 6 6倍 ,Wistar大鼠雄性LD50 比雌性高 6 74倍。小鼠LD50 几乎没有性别差异 Objective To observe the acute toxic effects of oral Yaotongning capsules (containing traditional Chinese medicine such as Strychnos subtilis, Eupolyphaga sinensis, and Scorpio sp.) on rats and mice. Methods SD and Wistar rats, Kunming species and BALB/c mice were used as subjects. Bliss was used to determine the LD50 of oral Yaotongning capsule. Results The LD50 of Liaotongning capsules was 6 185 8 95 mg/kg in male SD rats and 80 3 85 mg/kg in female rats. The LD 50 of male Wistar rats was 5 80 7 5 7 mg/kg in oral Yaotongning capsules. The LD50 of the female rats was 86 1 94mg/kg; the LD50 of the oral Kuntongning capsules of the Kunming mice was 6444.4 mg/kg; the LD50 of the BALB/C mice was 4 4 8 34mg/kg. Conclusion There is a significant difference in the acute toxicity of Yaotongning Capsule between rats of different sexes. The male LD50 of SD rats is 696 times higher than that of females. The male LD50 of Wistar rats is 746 times higher than that of females. There is almost no gender difference in mouse LD50
美国纽约曼哈顿金融街上,有一家另类酒吧。该酒吧别出心裁地策划了一个奇特的经营项目:当日的道琼斯工业指数每下跌一点,这家“地中海赊账酒吧”就允许顾客赊欠50美分的酒账,也就是下限金额;如果该股指下跌了100点,那么顾客就可以赊欠50美元,这是上限金额。不过,所赊欠的金额要求在3个月内予以支付。   酒吧的老板名叫费尔沃特·查理。他数年前在曼哈顿金融街上,开设了“地中海快餐店”。由于经营项目和内容与周