对老年人不典型急性心肌梗死(AMI)4例早期诊断分析如下。1病历摘要例1:男,88岁。突发呼吸困难2d。既往:糖尿病史30a,高血压病史15a。查体:BP 100/60mm Hg,神志清晰,口唇发绀,端坐位,双肺底闻及细小水泡音。HR 120次/min,心律失常。腹部柔软,肝脾不大,双下肢无水肿。入院后检查心电图及心肌酶谱、心肌坏死标记物确诊:冠心病、急性前间壁心肌梗死、急性左心衰、心律失常、频发室早。
Four elderly patients with atypical acute myocardial infarction (AMI) early diagnosis and analysis are as follows. 1 Medical Summary Example 1: Male, 88 years old. Sudden breathing difficulties 2d. Past: history of diabetes 30a, history of hypertension 15a. Physical examination: BP 100 / 60mm Hg, clear mind, lips cyanosis, sitting, the end of the lungs smell and small blisters sound. HR 120 beats / min, arrhythmia. Abdomen soft, small spleen and liver, no lower extremity edema. After admission ECG and myocardial enzymes, myocardial necrosis markers diagnosed: coronary heart disease, acute anterior myocardial infarction, acute left heart failure, arrhythmia, frequent ventricular ejection.