
来源 :宗教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kzyzf
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晚清官绅为阻止洋教的传播,有意识地制造民教畛域,通过区分教民等方式实现对教民敌对身份的建构。但民教畛域的形成并不足以阻止洋教的传播,由此所引发的民教冲突反成为清末一个棘手的社会问题。在晚清教民身份建构和民教畛域形成过程中,存在着历史事实与历史认知之间的交互作用,在此作用下,晚清国人对民教关系实现从划分畛域到不分畛域的历史转变。 In order to prevent the spread of foreign religions, the officials and gentry in late Qing Dynasty consciously created the territory of the people’s congregation and realized the construction of the hostile identity of the members of the evangelical religion by distinguishing them from other religions. However, the formation of Mulan area is not enough to prevent the spread of foreign religions, and the resulting conflict of Protestantism has become a thorny social issue in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of the formation of Protestant identity and the formation of the people’s commune in the late Qing dynasty, there exists an interaction between historical fact and historical cognition. Under this action, the people in the late Qing dynasty realized the history of the relationship between the Protestant and the Protestant from the divided domain to the non-divided domain change.
摘要 在小说《艰难时世》中,狄更斯成功地塑造了两个典型的功利主义者,葛雷英和庞德贝。葛雷英最终让自己的女儿路易莎成为利益的牺牲品,而功利主义的价值观则毁了他的儿子汤姆。庞德贝在利益观念下,最终让自己无所不用其极,成为了孤家寡人。《艰难时世》通过这两个功利主义者的悲剧,警醒和讽刺了利益至上者的痛苦人生。  关键词:《艰难时世》 查尔斯·狄更斯 功利主义者 人生悲剧  一 葛雷英的功利主义悲剧:利益至
一个企业在确定营销策略之前,必须对营销环境作一番分析,尽可能地做到知己知彼,然后有的放矢地作出可行的策略。一般而论,分析营销环境包括下列3项: 一、分析市场需求。 分