In his article “Discussion on Axial Pressure Acceleration in Scientific Computing” (see “Geology and Exploration”, No. 2, p. 23), first of all, for drilling a boring machine, during a subsequent drilling operation, drilling The total pressure should be based on the drill bit bottom area increases and the corresponding increase in the argument on the contrary. They think that as long as they consider “the abrasive material that is directly related to pressure - the reason for drilling, it will lead to the opposite conclusion.” And as the drilling time gradually increases, drilling grains gradually break into small pieces. Its compressive strength than before the reduction of no broken ... ... from this factor consider the total pressure in the drilling bit should be gradually reduced just right, ... ... and the pressure reduction per unit area is consistent with the drill bits due to broken into small pieces The inevitable decrease of compressive strength, and the combination of the two cleverly. It follows that: "In one footage, the pressure on the axis need not be gradually increased,