多数作者认为胆囊癌与慢性胆囊炎和胆石症有关,也有人认为胆结石与胆囊癌的关系不大,在慢性胆囊炎中,肠上皮化生被认为是癌前病变。我们通过对慢性胆囊炎常规病理组织切片(HE)染色观察肠上皮化生、不典型增生的情况和免疫组化检测p53,p21与C-myc蛋白的表达,探讨胆囊结石与慢性胆囊炎肠上皮化生、不典型增生及以上3种蛋白表达的关系,推测胆囊结石在慢性胆囊炎向胆囊癌发展过程中的作用。 1 材料和方法 1.1 材料所有标本均为本院外科1983/1997年手术切除的、术后病理诊断为慢性胆囊炎的病例共1339例,其中不伴结石的慢性胆囊炎(下简称单纯型)553例,合并胆囊结石786例,
Most authors believe that gallbladder cancer and chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, some people think that the relationship between gallstone and gallbladder cancer is not, in chronic cholecystitis, intestinal metaplasia is considered precancerous lesions. We observed the expression of p53, p21 and C-myc by immunohistochemistry and histopathological sections of chronic cholecystitis (HE) staining to observe the relationship between gallstone and chronic cholecystitis intestinal epithelium Metaplasia, atypical hyperplasia and the expression of the above three proteins, speculated that gallstone in chronic cholecystitis gallbladder carcinogenesis in the process. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials All specimens were surgical excision in our hospital from 1983 to 1997, postoperative pathological diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis in a total of 1339 cases, of which chronic cholecystitis without stones (hereinafter referred to as simple type) 553 Cases, 786 cases of gallstone disease,