【摘 要】
The contents of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium were measured in the dominant species (plants: Scripus triquetor and Phrgrmites australis, macrobenthos: llyoplax
【出 处】
Science in China(Series B)
The contents of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium were measured in the dominant species (plants: Scripus triquetor and Phrgrmites australis, macrobenthos: llyoplax deschampsin, Helice tridens tientsinensis, Bullacta exarata and Corbicula fluminea, and migrating waders: Calidris ruficollis and C. alpina) of the ecosystem of Yangtze Estuary, China, from 1995-1998. Results show that:
The contents of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium were measured in the dominant species (plants: Scripus triquetor and Phrgrmites australis, macrobenthos: llyoplax deschampsin, Helice tridens tientsinensis, Bullacta exarata and Corbicula fluminea, and migrating waders: Calidris ruficollis and C. alpina ) of the ecosystem of Yangtze Estuary, China, from 1995-1998. Results show that:
1 IL_8起源及结构IL 8是一种细胞因子 ,为趋化因子超家族中的一员。它是 1 987年Yoshimur发现的第一个趋化因子 ,当时被命名为单核细胞衍生的中性粒细胞趋化因子(MDNCF)。 1 988年 1 2月 ,在嗜
止 Souree:AIB of MMIImport And Export Of Motor Vehicles(Jan. to Sept., 1996)
Souree: AIB of MMI Import and And Export Of Motor Vehicles (Jan. to Sept., 1996)
笔者于 1 996年 3月 -1 999年 9月 ,应用中药内服配合耳压治疗小儿咳喘 60例 ,取得了一定疗效。1 一般资料本组 60例均为门诊病例 ,男 3 1例 ,女 2 9例 ;年龄最小者 2岁 1 1
通过采用罂粟碱的不同给药途径研究比较其对脑血管痉挛 (CVS)的防治效果。将 43例动脉瘤患者随机分成A、B两组 ,A组术中经置入脑池的硅胶管用罂粟碱溶液持续灌洗 ;B组术后使
恶心、呕吐是恶性肿瘤患者化疗最常见的不良反应之一 ,可导致部分患者延迟或放弃治疗 ,甚至可引起严重的并发症。笔者将恩丹西酮与小半夏汤联用 ,预防化疗引起的恶心、呕吐 ,