
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenweifan
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香港回归后,人们对港九的洋紫荆与内地紫荆有了初步认识。可是生活中往往有人望文生义,把紫荆与其花名花色花形近似的紫藤、紫薇相混淆,因为这些名花都原产于中国,人工栽种历史悠久,且分布广泛,文人歌咏唱和颇多,又都带一个紫字。但就花而言,只要稍加观察比较,还是能分清的。紫荆属豆科落叶小乔木或灌木。因早春先花后叶,花簇生于老枝条上,又称满条红、紫珠树。叶圆心形有尖,花紫红色,艳丽若烟霞,结荚果,观赏价值很高。另有香港粉白色洋紫荆,叶形羊蹄脚。紫荆花古时常寓于亲情,象征兄弟和睦、家业兴旺。刘宋人在《续齐谐记》中载:京兆田真兄弟三人分家,屋前紫荆树次日枯萎,田真见状对两兄弟慨叹:“人 After the return of Hong Kong, people started to understand the Bauhinia of Hong Kong and Kowloon and the Bauhinia of the Mainland. However, there are often people in life looking for literary meaning. The Bauhinia is confused with the wisteria and crape myrtle flower-shaped flowers, because these flowers are native to China. They have a long history of artificial cultivation and are widely distributed. A purple word. However, as far as the flowers are concerned, they can still be distinguished as long as they are compared and observed. Bauhinia leguminous deciduous trees or shrubs. Because early spring flowers after the first leaf, flower clusters born in the old branches, also known as full of red, purple beads tree. Leafy heart-shaped pointed, flowers purple, bright if hazy, pod fruit, ornamental value is high. Another Hong Kong pink Bauhinia, leaf-shaped sheep hoof feet. Bauhinia ancient residence often in the family, a symbol of brother harmony, family business boom. Liu and Song people in the ”Continuation of Concordia“ contains: Jingzhao Tian Zhen brothers divided into three families, the house before the withered Zingiber officinale, Tian really seeing the two brothers lamented: ”people
目的 了解秦皇岛市超重肥胖人群采取体重控制措施情况,分析其影响因素.方法 于2019年采用多阶段分层整群抽样法选取秦皇岛市3 352名18~79岁超重肥胖者为调查对象,进行面对面问