陈致中教授新著的《国际法案例》是作者十余年从事国际法案例教研的经验总结。笔者开卷之后,深感眼界开阔,思维拓展,精神愉悦。本书的精湛之处在于: 一、题材广泛,精选得当 本着国际法教学的需要,本书精选了104个案例。其中既有国际法历史上的经典案例,也有当代国际关系上受到世人关注的案例,又有近年来发生的案例,还有经多年审理尚未完全了结的案例(如光华案)。这些案例均具一定的权威性,对学习与研究国际法颇有价值。而且,这些案例的管辖所涉及的司法机构极其广泛,既有最具权威的联合国国际法院,也有国内法院(如英国、美国、日本、德国、以色列、意大利等);既有最早建立
A new case of international law by Professor Chen Chih-chung is a summary of the author’s experiences in teaching and researching international law cases for more than ten years. After the author unwrapped, deeply vision, broaden my mind, delightful spirit. The book’s superb is: First, a wide range of topics, properly selected In accordance with the needs of teaching in international law, the book featured 104 cases. There are not only the classic cases in the history of international law, but also the cases of world attention in contemporary international relations, the cases in recent years and the cases that have not yet been fully settled after years of trial (eg Guanghua case). These cases are all authoritative and valuable to studying and studying international law. Moreover, the jurisdictions covered by these jurisdictions are extremely wide ranging in terms of both the most authoritative United Nations International Court of Justice and domestic courts (such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Germany, Israel, Italy, etc.)