第二代生物燃料指的是以麦秆、稻草和木屑等农林废弃物或藻类、纸浆废液为主要原料,使用纤维素酶或其他发酵手段将其转化为生物乙醇或生物柴油的模式。第二代生物燃料与第一代最重要的区别在于其不再以粮食作物为原料,从而最大限度地降低了对食品供应的威胁。第二代生物燃料不仅有助于减少对传统化石能源的依赖,也能减少温室气体的排放,对实现全球可持续性发展具有重要作用。许多国家都制定了或是正在执行相关计划,大力发展第二代生物燃料。全球知名增长咨询公司Frost & Sullivan(弗若斯特沙利文)
The second generation of biofuels refers to the mode of converting them into bioethanol or biodiesel using cellulase or other fermentation means with agricultural and forestry wastes such as wheat straw, straw and sawdust, or algae and pulp waste as the main raw materials. The most important difference between the second-generation biofuels and the first generation is that they no longer use food crops as raw materials, thus minimizing the threat to the food supply. Second-generation biofuels not only help to reduce dependence on traditional fossil fuels but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and play an important role in achieving global sustainable development. Many countries have formulated or are implementing relevant plans to vigorously develop second-generation biofuels. Frost & Sullivan (Frost & Sullivan), a world-renowned growth consulting firm