夏季热,又称小儿“暑热症”,多见于3岁以下小儿,临床以长期发热不退,伴有口渴、多饮、多尿、少汗等为其主要症状,病程一般可达2至3个月或更长,至秋凉后,发热及其它症状随之消退。有的患儿可连续数年发病,其发病原因是患儿平素体质较弱,不能耐受暑热之气,耗伤体内津液,水津无由输布,腠理闭塞,致成发热、渴饮、多尿、汗闭之候。笔者运用辨证施治方法治疗小儿夏季热,获得满意效果,兹举例如下。 例1 王某,男,26岁。1997年8月26日初
Summer heat, also known as pediatric “summer fever”, more common in children under 3 years of age, clinical long-term fever, with thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, less sweat as its main symptoms, the general course of up to 2 to 3 months or longer, to autumn cool, fever and other symptoms subsided. Some children may be consecutive years of onset, the incidence of the disease is usually due to physical weakness in children, can not tolerate the heat of the gas consumption of body fluids, water without the infusion of cloth, the management of obstruction, resulting in fever, thirst, More urine, sweat closed when. I use the method of syndrome differentiation and treatment of pediatric summer heat, to obtain satisfactory results, give an example as follows. Example 1 Wang, male, 26 years old. Early August 26, 1997