
来源 :中医杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leon_xu23
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中医药病理动物模型是指在中医病理研究中建立的具有人类病证表现的动物实验对象和相关材料,是中医“证”在实验研究中的载体,在中药实验药理的研究中起基础作用。现代研究认为,机体是统一的热力学整体,能量的转移和热变化均可使机体呈现寒、热的差异,外在则表现为对寒热环境趋向性(选择性)的行为学差别。因此,本课题组用冷热板示差法从动物宏观温度趋向行为学角度探讨中医不同寒热体质客观差异性,尝试建立以动物行为学为主多指标的胃寒/胃热证病理动物模型研究载体的综合评价方法。 Chinese medicine pathological animal model refers to the animal experiment objects and related materials which have been established in the pathological study of Chinese medicine and have the evidence of human diseases and syndromes, which is the carrier of TCM “certificate ” in the experimental study, which plays a fundamental role in the research of traditional Chinese medicine experimental pharmacology. effect. Modern research suggests that the body is a unified thermodynamic whole. The energy transfer and thermal changes can make the body show the difference between cold and hot, while the external manifests itself as the behavioral difference toward the cold and hot environment (selective). Therefore, our group used cold and hot plate differential method to explore the objective difference of different cold and heat constitutions of animals from the perspective of animal macro-temperature trend behavior and tried to establish the animal model of pathological animal model of stomach cold / stomach heat syndrome based on animal behavior. Comprehensive evaluation method.
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