1955年被授予中将军衔的原昆明军区政委谭甫仁,早年投身革命,参加了著名的八一南昌起义、平型关大捷、辽沈战役、平津战役和解放万山群岛等许多著名战役战斗,历史上切绩卓著。 然而谁能相信,这位共和国中将当年参加八一南昌起义后,被敌人冲敬误入国民党赣军,在新城战斗中被红军俘获过来。一曲《国际歌》使他又重新回到了革命队伍,成为我军历史上首次优待的俘虏。其背后鲜为人知的传奇故事令人荡气回肠。
In 1955, former military commissar of the Kunming Military Region, who was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in the rank of lieutenant general, Tan Furen, devoted himself to revolution in his early years and took part in the famous battles and battles of many famous battles such as the August 1 Nanchang Uprising, the Pingxingguan Pass, the Liao-Shen Campaign, the Pingjin Campaign and the Liberation of the Wanshan Islands Excellent results on the cut. However, no one can believe that after the Lieutenant-Colonel of that Republic took part in the August 1 Nanchang Uprising, he was mistakenly admired by the enemy into the KMT army and was captured by the Red Army in the battle of Newtown. An “international song” made him return to the revolutionary ranks again and became the first captive in the history of our military. The little-known legend behind it is breathtaking.