目的:掌握2014-2015年度台州市手足口病发病动态及流行态势,为防控提供参考依据。方法:应用浙江省“传染病监测信息管理系统”监测数据进行描述性统计分析。结果:2014-2015年度台州市共报告手足口病病例47 731例,年均发病率400.07/10万,发病例数均集中于5岁及以下婴幼儿,其中1~岁组为高发年龄组,占发病数的28.76%。2014-2015年度全年均有病例报告,高峰均集中于5-8月。年均发病率男性高于女性,农村高于城市。职业分布以散居儿童和幼托儿童为主,分别占发病数的78.08%和19.00%。报告手足口病实验室诊断以其他肠道病毒为主(77.65%),EV71型与Cox A16型病毒所占比例较接近(分别为10.88%和11.47%)。结论:发病与年龄、性别、地区及季节等因素有关;5岁及以下婴幼儿,其中1~岁组是手足口病高危人群;应着重进一步加强重点人群(包括幼儿和幼儿日常看护者)和重点机构(托幼机构)的防控工作。
OBJECTIVE: To master the incidence and prevalence of HFMD in Taizhou City from 2014 to 2015 and provide a reference for prevention and control. Methods: Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted using the monitoring data of Infectious Disease Surveillance Information Management System in Zhejiang Province. Results: A total of 47 731 HFMD cases were reported in Taizhou City from 2014 to 2015, with an average annual incidence of 400.07 / 100 000. The incidence of cases were all concentrated in infants aged 5 years and younger, of which 1 ~ The incidence of the number of 28.76%. Case reports are available for 2014-2015 throughout the year, with the peaks concentrated in May-August. The average annual incidence of male than female, rural higher than the city. The occupational distribution was dominated by scattered children and kindergarten children, accounting for 78.08% and 19.00% of the cases respectively. Reported HFMD laboratory diagnosis of other enterovirus-based (77.65%), EV71-type and Cox type A virus accounted for a closer proportion (10.88% and 11.47% respectively). Conclusions: The incidence is related to age, gender, region and season. Infants aged 5 years and under, of which 1 to 3 years old are at high risk of hand-foot-mouth disease should focus on further strengthening the key population (including children and toddlers daily caregivers) and Key agencies (nurseries) prevention and control work.