时代前进,科技发展,卫生信息管理也变化巨大,沿用了11年的老病案首页退出了历史舞台,自2002年1月1日起施行了新病案首页。 新病首页的出台标志着卫生信息管理的飞速发展,它不仅是一个新旧之分,而是质的改变,职能的转变,是一个新的飞跃,它必将推动我国卫生信息事业的发展,提高管理水平,逐步与世界接轨。但也有不如意的地方,经过两个多月的实践,在实践
As the times progressed, the development of science and technology and the management of health information also changed tremendously. The first page of the old medical records that followed the 11 years left the stage of history and implemented the new page of medical records since January 1, 2002. The introduction of the new home page of the new disease symbolizes the rapid development of health information management. It is not only a matter of old and new, but a qualitative change and a change of functions. It is a new leap forward. It will surely promote the development of health information in our country and increase it Management level, and gradually with the world. But there are also unhappy places, after more than two months of practice, in practice