河北省农业节水学术讨论会于1991年1月15日至17日在石家庄市召开。会议由河北省水利学会与河北省水利厅共同主持召开。参加会议的有学会会员、论文作者以及各地、县水利部门行政领导。另外,还有水利部农水司、中国水利学会农田水利专业委员会、中国农科院新乡灌溉研究所、清华大学、武汉水利电力学院、华北水利水电学院等大专院校和科研单位的专家、教授,共百余人。在会上交流的学术论文共98篇。现综合报导如下: 1.河北省缺水严重,必须大力开展农业节水据有关部门统计,河北省地面和地下水的可供水量合计平水年为200亿m~3,偏旱年为170亿m~3。按目前的工农业生产要求(农业用水量占总用水量的80%以上,工业用水量占12%),平水年缺水57亿m~3,偏旱年缺水161亿m~3。预测到2000年,则平水年缺水
Agricultural Water Saving Symposium in Hebei Province in January 1991 January 15 to 17 held in Shijiazhuang. The meeting was co-chaired by Hebei Provincial Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Hebei Provincial Department of Water Resources. Participants in the conference include academic members, dissertation authors, and administrative leaders of water conservancy departments in various places and counties. In addition, the Ministry of Water Resources and Water Division, China Water Conservancy Institute of Irrigation and Water Conservancy Commission, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Xinxiang Institute of Irrigation, Tsinghua University, Wuhan Institute of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, North China Institute of Water Conservancy and other tertiary institutions and research institutes experts and professors , A total of more than 100 people. A total of 98 academic papers were exchanged at the conference. Comprehensive reports are as follows: 1, Hebei Province, severe water shortages, must vigorously carry out agricultural water saving According to statistics from relevant departments, Hebei Province, ground and groundwater total available water amounting to 2000000000 m 3, drought years 17 billion m ~ 3. According to the current requirements of industrial and agricultural production (agricultural water accounts for more than 80% of the total water consumption and industrial water consumption accounts for 12%), the water shortage is 5.7 billion m 3 in normal years and 16.1 billion m 3 in partial drought years. Predicted that by the year 2000, there will be no water in normal years