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母亲这几天走了,因为外婆病了,母亲要去报答幼时给她爱的母亲.这是爱,使两代人心心相连.母亲走后,我一个人孤独地生活.第一天,我十分高兴,因为我总觉得父母给我的爱太累赘.天黑了,天地间一片墨黑,只是在远处还有些昏昏亮点.孤寂的家,没有人,仿佛就是一个空宅子.我打开电视,看着我最爱看的节目,又把声量放大了些,想驱走家中死寂的气氛.可没有了家人的关怀与言笑,心里空荡荡的.我在盼望与寂寞中迎来了星期日,因为,母亲就要回来了.这一天,我特别高兴,心情特别好.虽说是星期日,但我却很早就起来了.时间仿佛在和我开玩笑,好不容易磨到中午,真像过了几年似的.我坐在沙发上,才发现家中一片狼藉,心想母亲回来肯定太累了,瞧见屋里这么乱,一定不舒服.于是我打开收音机,边听边整理屋子,经过一番大干,家里已是窗明几净,桌子、地面泛出从未有过的亮光.我看了看钟,呀!四点了,母亲不回来了吗?六点了,我已做好丰盛的饭菜,准备给母亲接风洗尘.我不住地看钟,不久七点了,心里越来越担心.“哒、哒……”一阵脚步声,又带着几声咳嗽传入我耳中.呀!母亲回来了.我飞似地跑出去看.开门时,我差点叫出来.定睛一看,是过路的,叫我 Mother walked away these days because her grandmother was sick and her mother was going to repay her mother for her love when she was young. This is love, which connects the two generations. My mother lives alone and lives alone. On the first day, I am very happy, because I always feel that parents love me too cumbersome .Black, between heaven and earth dark, but in the distance there are some faint bright spots .Lonely home, no one, as if it is an empty house .I opened TV, watching my favorite shows, and the volume of the sound a bit bigger, want to drive away the silence of the family atmosphere. But without the family’s care and words and laughter, empty heart .I hope and loneliness in the usher in the sunday, Because my mother is coming back, and on that day I am especially happy and in a very good mood.Although it is Sunday, but I got up very early.time seems to be joking with me and it is hard to get to noon Year-old.I sat on the couch, only to find a mess at home, I thought my mother must be too tired to come back, saw the house so chaotic, not uncomfortable.So I turned on the radio, listening to edge finishing the house, after a lot of big Dry, the home is a window a few clean, the table, the ground has never been glowing pan-plow I looked at the clock, ah! Four o’clock, the mother did not come back? Six o’clock, I have done a sumptuous meal, ready to take to the mother to take the wind and wash the dust .I do not watch the clock, and soon after seven o’clock, the heart of the more The more I worried about it, “Damn, dah ...” A wave of footsteps came in with a few more coughs, my mother came back, and I flew out to fly, and when I opened the door, I nearly cried out. A look, is crossing the road, call me
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