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今年是我们党、我们国家和我们中国科学院历史上具有特殊意义的一年。大事喜事多,难点热点问题也多,改革发展任务繁重。一年来,全院同志认真学习领会江泽民总书记、朱镕基总理、李岚清副总理等领导同志关于知识创新和建设国家创新体系的重要批示和讲话精神,以高度的政治责任感和工作热情,投入知识创新工程试点工作。最近召开的党组扩大会对下一阶段知识创新工程试点工作作出重要部署,明确了工作重点:在继续推进体制改革、结构调整、机制转变的同时要把工作重点转到进一步凝炼科技目标、建立评价评估体系上来。中科院改革发展到了关键时期,知识创新工程试点工作的成败关系到科学院的前途和命运,关系到国家创新体系能否成功构建。这对我们政务信息和对外宣传工作战线上的同志们提出了更高的工作要求,同时也提供了广阔的工作舞台。 This year marks a special year in the history of our party, our country and our Chinese Academy of Sciences. There are many happy events and difficult hot issues, with heavy tasks of reform and development. In the past year, all the hospital comrades conscientiously studied and grasped the important instructions and speeches made by leaders such as General Secretary Jiang Zemin, Premier Zhu Rongji, and Vice Premier Li Lanqing on the basis of knowledge innovation and the construction of a national innovation system. With a high sense of political responsibility and enthusiasm, they devoted themselves to knowledge innovation projects pilot work. The recently held party expansion will make important arrangements for the pilot phase of the next phase of the knowledge innovation project, clearly setting the priorities of the work. While continuing to push forward with the reform of the system, structural adjustment and mechanism changes, we must shift our focus to further refining the scientific and technological goals and establish Evaluation of the system up. The reform and development of Chinese Academy of Sciences has reached a critical period. The success or failure of pilot projects in knowledge innovation projects is related to the future and destiny of the CAS and to the successful construction of a national innovation system. This put forward higher work requirements for comrades on the front of our government affairs information and propaganda work, and at the same time, it provides a broad working stage.
1INTRODUCTIONSincetheHalHroultproceswasinventedonehundredyearsago,ithasbentheonlyaluminumproductionmethodintheworld[1].The... 1INTRODUCTIONSince theHal-Hlroultproceswasinventedonehundredyearsago, ithasbentheonlyaluminumproductionmethodintheworld [1].
随意扩张一个学术领域会有什麼害处呢?一方面,会导致许多的重复工作。另一方面,可能导致研究空缺。  学术领域和其他事物一样,都有发生、发展、消亡的过程。有些领域发展过程很长,有些则很短,时髦一阵也就过去了。任何时候,一个学术领域都必须有确切的含义。在信息技术范围里,这种现象比较多见。譬如像网络科学,搞信息技术的人主要指通讯网络、计算机网络,而搞物理的人、搞自动化的人也许在更抽象的层次上考虑网络。又譬