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重建与演变是一体之两面。正常的比较法演练不应导致两者身首异处。从北欧引进中国音韵学的重建技术,与其说是科学的比较法,不如说是日耳曼民族擅长的思想论战(Gedankenkampf);其基本假设好比战场的深沟高垒,又像易进难出的迷宫。论战剧目包括:推翻陆法言,捂住魏彦渊,梵语魔咒死而复生,布防从南亚经东南亚到东北亚的马其诺防线。站在一定的制高点才可望洞悉其中层层的防御工事,了解为什么重建与演变从西欧的一体两面变成中国的身首异处。 Reconstruction and evolution are two sides of one. The normal exercise of comparative law should not lead to the differences between the two. The introduction of Chinese phonology from Northern Europe into the reconstruction of technology, not so much scientific comparative law, as the German nation is good at the ideological debate (Gedankenkampf); its basic assumptions like the battlefield of the deep valleys, like the easy maze difficult . The controversial repertoire includes: overthrow the land of France, covered WeiYuanYuan, Sanskrit magic incarnation and resurrection, deployment from South Asia through Southeast Asia to Northeast Asia’s Maginot line of defense. It is only at this commanding height that we can expect to see the midst of fortifications and understand why the reconstruction and evolution have transformed from one side of Western Europe to the other.