In this study, the density test and economic benefit analysis of commercial potato and seed potato production in a new potato variety “Zhongshu No. 3” were carried out to improve the economic benefit of early harvesting of high yield commodity potato in the second season of Beijing. Reasonable close planting in the seed potato production, raising the breeding coefficient, saving investment, provide the basis for increasing income. The results showed that in the second season cropping area of Beijing, the production density of spring precocious potato products was 4500 per acre, the highest yield of potato products and the best economic benefit were 5.64% and 1,500 higher than 3500 and 5600 plants per acre respectively. 89%. For seed potato production, the population density of 5600 plants per acre had the strongest breeding ability, and the number of tubers per mu was more, which could be 5.56 mu for commercial potato production with a density increase of 1,500 and 5600 plants per acre, respectively .65 acres and 0.78 acres, the economic benefits increased by 42.20% and 16.32%.