沙地保水性能差,再加上春季风大、雨水少、病虫害严重,栽植板栗成活率难以保证。笔者根据多年的实践经验,总结出春季沙地栽植板栗应把握以下技术要点: 一、严把苗木质量关栽树保成活、苗木质量是关键。要选择无虫、无病、成熟度好、芽体饱满的苗子。要用根系发达、枝干矮粗的壮苗,不用大肥、大水催起来的虚旺苗。起苗时,要尽量保证根系完整,主根、侧根要尽量留长一些;运苗时,要注意做好根系洒水、包装、遮盖等措施,防止失水;暂时不能定植的苗木要及时搞好假植。大面
Sand poor water retention performance, coupled with the spring monsoon, less rain, pests and diseases seriously, planting chestnut survival rate is difficult to guarantee. Based on years of practical experience, the author concludes that planting chestnut in sandy land in the spring should grasp the following technical points: First, strictly control the quality of seedlings and plant trees, and the quality of seedlings is the key. To choose no worms, disease-free, maturity, bud full of seedlings. Developed with root system, branch stubble strong seedlings, without fat, flood reminded the virtual Wang Miao. When seedlings, try to ensure that the root system is intact, the main roots, lateral roots should try to stay longer; Yunmiao, pay attention to root sprinkling, packaging, covering and other measures to prevent water loss; temporary seedlings can not be planted in a timely manner to do a good job plant. Big face